WREC Trophy / Competitions and Awards
World Renewable Energy Congress / Ali Sayigh Trophy
The introduction of a “World Renewable Energy Congress / Ali Sayigh Trophy” was recommended at the World Renewable Energy Congress 2004 in Denver, USA. The proposal for the trophy was submitted by New Zealand / Prof Ralph Sims and Iceland / Prof Thorsteinn Sigfusson.
Purpose of the trophy
The trophy, which was designed by an Icelandic artist, was prepared within the period between WREC VIII and IX. It was awarded for the first time at the 2006 conference in Florence. The trophy is awarded to the country with the highest percentage increase in renewable energy application within the two years preceding the congress. The trophy stays with the winning country until the following World Renewable Energy Congress where, based on the same principles, another or the same country can be awarded.
The award committee consists of several leading scientists and engineers and is headed by Prof Ralph Sims and Prof Thorsteinn Sigfusson. To date the trophy has been awarded to Cyprus in 2006, Brazil in 2008 and Germany in 2010. The recipient for 2012 will be Spain.

WREC trophy award 2006 – Cyprus
The trophy was presented for the first time at the WREC IX congress dinner at Palazzo Pitti in Florence. It was handed over to the winning country Cyprus by the president of Iceland, Olafur Ragnar Grimsson, to the Cyprus representative, Mr Solon Kasinis, who is director of the energy services of the Cyprus Ministry of Energy.
Further details and the speech of the president of Iceland can be found in the WREC IX – Final Congress Report:
> WREC IX – Final Congress Report [pdf – 906 KB]

WREC trophy award 2008 – Brazil
At the 2008 WREC X congress the trophy was presented to Brazil during the congress dinner at the Plaza Hotel in Glasgow.
The trophy was received by Minister Flávio Marega from the Embassy of Brazil in London.

WREC trophy award 2010 – Germany
He trophy was awarded for the third time at the WREC XI congress in Abu Dhabi, UAE and went to the Federal Republic of Germany. The trophy was presented at the congress dinner to Acting Ambassador Frank Neumann, who received the award on behalf of Dr. Norbert Röttgen, the Federal Environment Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Further details on the award can be found in the following press release:
> WREC XI trophy award press release [pdf – 195 KB]

Recognising of Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Renewable Energy
WREC/WREN recognises outstanding contributions of individuals to the development of renewable energy through the awarding of medals and certificates at the biennial World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC). In addition WREC/WREN also holds open competitions.
Pioneers are selected every two years for their outstanding contribution to renewable energy over many years and their devotion to use renewable energy in their own daily life. The WREC pioneers receive their awards at the biennial World Renewable Energy Congress (WREC).

WREC Renewable Energy Awards
The WREC Renewable Energy Awards were established in 1998, during the 5th edition of the WREC Congress in Florence as a way to recognize outstanding achievement and vision in the global renewable energy sector.
The WREC Renewable Energy Awards aim at highlighting the worldwide best-implemented policies, projects and research in the following topics:
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen
- Low Energy Architecture
- Solar Energy
- Wind Technology
- Biomass
- Sustainable Transport
- Green Energy Business
At the WREC X congress in Glasgow the WREC Special Award was given to H E Dr Abdulaziz Othman Altwaijri, Director General of Islamic Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ISESCO) and Dr Dan Arvizu, Director of the US Department of Energy’ (NREL), Golden, Colorado, USA for their outstanding contribution to renewable energy.
> WREC 2008 Special Award [pdf – 176 KB]
Ali Sayigh Trophy Award Denver 2012
The trophy is awarded to Spain for their strive in putting the maximum renewable energy applications during the year 2010-2012.
The award was handed to His Excellency Charge d’ Affaire of Spain.

Denmark 2014 – Country Award
Then Prof Ali Sayigh /WREN Trophy, was presented to the acting Ambassador of Denmark and his assistant,
Denmark was chosen by the technical committee as the best country which had increased its renewable energy capacity to the greatest extent over the last two preceding years.

Bahrain Congress 12-16th January 2025
> Registration Form> Final Announcement
> Structure of WREN and WREC Council